That woman

Am I than woman?

The one with the Oreos in her Walmart cart,

she walks the aisles in a shell,

meandering through the produce,

looking at the apples and grapes; passing them by.

Am I that woman?

With the polyester pants and the floral shirt,

she has a “Kiss my cat” bumper sticker on,

Her Chevy.

Am I that woman?

Who hides her cellulite and matronly arms,

She sits alone in her studio apartment,

Looking at life grow outside.

Am I that woman?

Who is angry at the world,

Bitter in her hurt,

And isolation

Am I that Woman?

She lives in the past,

Believes that yesterday was perfect,

Forgetting that yesterday was once today.

Am I that woman?

Her companions are feline.

I am that woman?

Who is lost.

Am I that woman?

With no future.

I am.

I am.

I am that woman.

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